1. order statistics

Original 'zebra_3.tif'. Note that it is already requantized.
First order variance 'zebra_3.tif', window size 21x21. Left: feature. Right: masked image.
First order entropy 'zebra_3.tif', window size 21x21. Left: feature. Right: masked image.

2. order statistics

Image 'zebra_3.tif'. Left: original. Right: Histogram equalized and requantized.
GLCM variance from 'zebra_3.tif'. window size = 21x21, (dx, dy) = (10, 0).
GLCM entropy from 'zebra_3.tif'. window size = 21x21, (dx, dy) = (10, 0).
Image 'zebra_1.tif'. Left: original. Right: Histogram equalized and requantized.
GLCM contrast (inertia) from 'zebra_1.tif'. window size = 21x21, (dx, dy) = (10, -10).

Laws’ texture energy

Laws' texture energy from feature L5E5.